North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

  1. News
  2. Mrs Murphy’s Class learning at home

Mrs Murphy’s Class learning at home

15 May 2020 (by Class Teacher (teacher))

Week 11th May

Mrs Murphy’s class have had a great week completing research and finding out really interesting family memories of WW2 as 75th VE Day was celebrated in our stay at home celebrations. This week again we have been completing daily activities in Mathematics, Writing, AR Reading, Mathletics, designing posters, exercising and riding our bicycles and caring for our pets and family at home.

I look forward to seeing all your great activities next week to share, so keep sending them in , it is lovely to see you all again. 
Take care & stay safe.