North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

  1. News
  2. Weekly House Points Update #5

Weekly House Points Update #5

19 June 2020 (by Class Teacher (teacher))

Good afternoon everyone!

It's Friday again and time for our next Weekly House Points Update. This includes all the points which you have earned through your Accelerated Reader Tests and Mathletics Certificates up to June 12th.

You can watch our new weekly update here:

The competition is still very close but we still have one more week of points to add in before we can calculate the final scores. Unfortunately, this will be the last weekly update that I will be sharing with you for this school year, however, we will formally announce the winning House Team during our Prize Day celebration next week.

It has been so lovely to join you all each week for our updates and to see how hard you have all been working while learning from home. Thanks once again to all the boys and girls who have been eagerly completing their AR tests and earning Mathletics certificates to earn points, and to all the representatives from our House Teams who have helped me with the weekly announcements!

Please remember to join us next week for our Prize Day Celebration when we will be announcing the winning House Team! 

Take care everyone, 

Miss Kane