North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

  1. News
  2. Year 7 End of Year Leavers' Production

Year 7 End of Year Leavers' Production

30 June 2020 (by Class Teacher (teacher))

Every year we prepare and perform a Leavers' Production with our Year 7 pupils and it is always a highlight on the school calendar. 

This year's production may look a little different as we aren't able to gather together to reminisce and celebrate our Year 7s together, however, we are so excited to be able to share this virtual celebration with you. 

Thank you to all of our Year 7 pupils who submitted videos for our production. We have loved seeing your talents and dance and hearing your memories! 

We hope that you will all enjoy this opportunity to share in our celebration by watching the Year 7 Leavers' Production online at the following link:

We wish you all the best and every success as you embark on your journey into secondary education and we hope that you will still come back and say hello in the future. 

Take care, stay safe and have a wonderful summer!