Photograph and Video Footage of Pupils - Consent Form 2020-2122 September 2020 (by J Jamison (kjamison)) |
Photographs and recording of pupils for school, family and press are a source of pride to both the pupils and their families / legal guardians. Taking, keeping and publishing photographs and video footage involves processing personal data under data protection laws.
To enable us to comply with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations, we are required to obtain express consent to the use of a pupil’s image for example in school displays, performances, newsletters, prospectus and our social media platforms.
Please complete the Photograph Consent Form 2020-21 on our new school app. Parents need to complete one form for each pupil attending Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School.
It would be great if this could be completed by Friday 25th September.
Many thanks for your assistance with this important matter.
Mrs Jamison