Science Week Ballymoney Model IPS11 March 2021 (by Class Teacher (teacher)) |
Science Week 8th -12th March 2021 Ballymoney Model IPS.
This week is Science Week and different activities and events are being held throughout UK to mark Science Week UK 2021. This year the theme for Science Week is “Innovating for the Future.”
At Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School, we are participating in our Annual Science Week, 8th-12th March 2021, either in school or through Home Learning at home. All Year groups have a range of activities to engage in from carrying out investigations, fair tests, recording and presenting results in a variety of ways. Each Year group has been provided with a selection and variety of Science activities, resources and videos, Starters for Science and Science at Home by the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT), investigations recommended by the British Science Week and other sources.Some classes and pupils are also participating Outdoors in What’s Under Your Feet Survey?
We look forward to seeing the Science activities enjoyed by the children, either in school or at home, as they participate and enjoy being Young Innovators for the Future. Thank you for your support and encouragement with all the Science activities in school and as part of Remote home learning.
Mrs Murphy.
WAU & Eco-Schools Leader.