North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

  1. News
  2. 7TS Anti-Bullying Week

7TS Anti-Bullying Week

17 November 2021 (by Class Teacher (teacher))

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, Mr Strickland’s class have been having meaningful discussions about the importance of friendships, the negative effects of bullying behaviour and what we should do if we felt that we were being bullied. Earlier this week, we identified what qualities we would like in our friends and shared these with each other.

Today, we read a series of statements as part of a task called ‘How you say it’ and discovered the impact our words can have on others. We then completed an activity called ‘Helping Hands’ which helped us identify five trustworthy adults who we can speak to if we feel that we are being bullied. We also talked about the organisations that can also help us.

We hope you enjoy looking at our activities.