North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Primary 7 Residential - Day 1

Primary 7 Residential - Day 1

20 January 2020 (by Class Teacher (teacher))

This week Primary 7 pupils are enjoying their residential to Delamont Country Park! Here's some highlights of the activities that Mrs Robinson's group experienced during Day 1.

After arriving at Delamont, the pupils were given a briefing and were then treated to a tasty lunch. Afterwards, Mrs Robinson's group put on their wet gear and were then transported to Tollymore Forest Park to take part in a very exciting Adventure Walk! During the Adventure Walk, the pupils challenged themselves to complete a series of tasks that required determination, bravery and persistence. Later that evening, the pupils took part in an special Night Orienteering challenge!