Free Access to Collins Big Cat ebooks for parents and pupils (suitable for AR)23 March 2020 (by Class Teacher (teacher)) |
Collins have provided free access to 300+ ebooks during the school closure period.
Click on the following link:
Click on the Teacher portal and enter
Password: Parents20!
Click Login
Click Collins Big Cat
You will now be able to select from a wide range of books that your child can read. There are also PDF notes to click on for each book, along with some activities which might be useful.
If you wish to check if a book title is on AR along with the ZPD, go to
I have checked a few of the titles and quite a lot seem to be on AR.
The book titles are aimed mostly at KS1/Lower KS2, but I will keep an eye for any other sources for books and post them on the app if I find them.
Hope that these reading resources are useful for parents and pupils.
Mr McCullough
Communication Leader