North Road, Ballymoney , County Antrim, BT53 6BW

028 276 62340

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School

Ballymoney Model IPS, as an Eco Green Flag school is participating in the Salvation Army “Recycle with Michael.” This initiative is a fun and appealing way to encourage sustaining our environment, lessen the impact of landfills and to raise money for this Charity and funds for our school. The Salvation Army supports vulnerable and disadvantaged people across the Uk and the rest of the World.

“Recycle with Michael” bags can be brought into school from Tuesday 5th April and the Collection Salvation Army van will collect any donated items in the bags on Thursday 7th April. Pupils can obtain “Recycle with Michael” bags from his/ her class teacher, message has already been placed on Class Seesaw. 

We look forward to “Being Part of Something Great, further details on Salvation Army website for parents, children and schools.

Recycle with Michael

On the 7th April, Eco Committee members from Year 6 and Year 7, helped the Salvation Army Officer, move all the kindly donated items in the “Recycle with Michael” bags from the School Foyer into the Collection van. 

Thank you to everyone’s interest within the school community, for helping to support this charity. 

The Salvation Army are busy weighing your donated bags and we are looking forward to hearing very soon of the total raised for this charity and our school funds through this “Recycle with Michael ”recycling and environmental initiative. 

Year 4's Special Visitor


On 4th April, afternoon Lynda from Child Evangelism Fellowship came to visit Year 4. We had a lovely afternoon listening to a story from the Bible about David and Mephibosheth found in 2 Samuel chapter 9. After, we took part in a quiz about the story and to finish off we created Easter themed bookmarks.

Thank you Lynda for your brilliant visit today, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Mrs Handforth's class had a great afternoon session with Lynda from Child Evangelism Fellowship.  We listened to a story from 2 Samuel 9 about David and Mephibosheth.  Afterwards, we took part in a fun quiz about the story!  At the end, Lynda gave everyone a lovely Easter bookmark to colour in and help remember their learning.

It was great fun! 

School Council were excited to announce our annual Easter Egg Hunt. This took place on Thursday 7th April. Each child brought home a creme or caramel egg on the day of the hunt.


Easter Crafts Easter  Baking



Congratulations to the winners of our Easter Design Competition. As always School Council had a difficult job judging the entries. 
Thank you for your support for our Easter activities.

We raised £322.50. This will go towards playground equipment.

NI Fire & Rescue



Year 5 would wish to say a huge “Thank you to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service,” for coming to our school this Term 2B and presenting the pupils in Mrs Thom’s Class and Mr Watt’s Class Fire Safety information packs. There are lots of quizzes, surprises, book marks and information tips to keep everyone at home reading and finding out information about Fire Safety. 


Daily Mile's

10th Birthday

On the 28th of April 2022, we took part to get as many Primary Schools and nurseries as possible, around the world to get moving and doing their daily mile on the same day to celebrate the Daily Mile's 10th Birthday

Check out this amazing video Mrs Handforth made of their Daily Mile Celebration.

     Resilient Rhythms         

Mrs Handforth's class had a wonderful start to the new term with a visit from Louise from Resilient Rhythms.  We learned how to manage feelings such as anxiety using a range of techniques.  Louise taught us how to use movement, singing, positive self talk, purposeful breathing and mindfulness to manage our feelings and emotions.  It was great fun and we can't wait for our next session
Miss Hemphill’s class enjoyed our second session with Louise. She told us about the importance of singing, dancing, breathing and relaxing if we feel anxious or worried. We enjoyed dancing to different moods of music. We were definitely calm and relaxed for the rest of the day.

 This week Year 2 enjoyed their second ‘Resilience Rhythms’ session with Louise. It was so much fun from start to finish. This helps the children to understand no matter now hard things are, they should just keep going. It has also prepared them with different things to help them self regulate. I have found the children to be happily singing these songs whilst they are working in class. Well done Year 2!

Check out a sneak peak of parts of our session in our video.

Eco School

Translink Challenge



Term 2 - A.R. Achievers


Congratulations to our A.R. Achievers.

Here are our pupils who have been awarded Medals for their accomplishments in A.R. Endevour, Highest Accuracy and Highest Percentage over Target during Term 2.



Congratulations to our A.R. Word Millionairies for Term 2.

Each pupil has read 1,000,000 words or more during Term 2.

Congratulations to the all our pupils who were awarded Certificates for Maths Seeds, Mathletics and Reading Eggs.

Well done, this is a fantastic achievement!


Keep up the great work everyone!

Math Seeds

Reading Eggs



Want to see what else we have been up to this school year?

Please click the months below to be taken to the revelent page.